7 creative ways to help you overcome Writer’s Block

Have you ever looked at the blank page and found yourself out of ideas?
Or perhaps you’re wondering, Do I have writer’s block?
Don’t worry; almost every writer has asked themselves how they’ll produce something from nothing. Even famous writers are vulnerable to the paralyzing effects of writer’s block.
It is natural to sometimes let your fear of writing get in the way of the creative process. You can easily overcome this problem with a bit of thought, preparation, and some good creative habits.
Here are seven creative ways to help you overcome it!
1. Skip the introduction – Start writing your conclusion. Many writers find constructing an introduction the most challenging part of writing. Try it the other way around. If you start with your conclusion, you will quickly determine what outcome you want to achieve, and it’s easier to write an introduction last when you know what the story or book is about.
2. Flip the truth – Consider what it would mean if a widely accepted fact were untrue? For example, what if the world were flat or we were the center of the universe? By changing the truth of a fact, you’re changing the perspective. This strategy is a surefire way to spark the creative process.
3. Writing Prompts – “I remember the first time I…,” “ I can see….,” I remember the last time I….” Writing prompts force you to create words and get into the meat of your piece. You can even choose a writing prompt that lies outside of your topic merely to get your creative juices flowing again.

4. Free Write – Freewriting is the act of writing for a set period without regard to reason, logic, grammar, or spelling. This method will help you overcome perfectionism and unlock inner creative resources you didn’t know you possessed. You can free-write about anything you want, even a story about a starfish in the sea, a biography of your favorite actor, or even your current writing project. You don’t have to use what you free write about in your final piece, but it will help you open your creative well and get words onto the page.
5. Create a Writing Schedule – Professionals keep schedules, so you should too. For some people, dedicating 25 to 30 minutes intervals of undistracted writing time each day is sufficient. Your schedule must be specific to what works for you. For example, you could decide that every weekday morning from 6.00 to 7.00 am, I will engage in my writing process and write a chapter for my book. It is whatever works best for you and will keep you feeling inspired.
6. Take a break – If you’ve worked hard on a painful chapter, you deserve a break. Tiredness is not conducive to creativity. What’s more, feeling frustrated will hamper your productivity. Sometimes, procrastinating has its place in creative work. Commit to returning to your book or stories at a specific time when you’ve eaten, slept, or recharged. Start again with a positive mind. Convince yourself beforehand that this writing session will be fantastic, and you’ll get those creative juices flowing.
7. Optimize your environment – Depending on where you are, you can adjust noise, temperature, light, or the surrounding space. Ambient noise, like that of a coffee shop, fosters creative thinking. In contrast, moderate noise increases the difficulty of processing, which hinders processing and creativity. It will be easier to stay in the zone when you feel comfortable and relaxed. Natural light also boosts productivity.

Find what works for you and stick to it. Believe that you can Ignite the creativity within you, and you will!
Ready to Write?
We hope these tips help you make the leap and get started on writing your incredible, amazing, impactful story.
Our last piece of advice? Start right now.
Open up that blank document and get excited. Write whatever pops into your head: plot bullet points, a list of characters, a couple sentences describing the setting, and of course your incredible ‘Ignite Moment’ that changed the trajectory of your life. Lay that foundation. Have fun and focus on the person that needs to read exactly what you have to share. To take all these ideas one step further, allow us to leave you with a writing prompt.
Instead of feeling intimidated by starting your story, make the first paragraph of your notebook or word document or however you write the answer to this question: Why does my story matter? Take the time to think about the impact your story could make in the life of someone else and use that as encouragement each time you feel unsure or not clear on what is next. Allow your answer to serve as a reminder of the passion, excitement, and determination behind why you decided to tell your story.
Best of luck on your writing adventure!
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