Ignite Happiness

The most JOYOUS book from the IGNITE series created to remind you how powerful being happy truly is.

Ready to take YOURSELF to the next level and share your story?

EBook and Paperback are available! 

About The Book

Happiness is something we all need more of. Joy, glee, bliss, freedom, and excitement are human experiences many strive for. Living a life on your terms filled with the essence of being you – a true gift that undoubtedly brings a smile and sense of delight to many.

Ignite Your Happiness shares stories of individuals of all ages who have found a feeling of contentment and exuberance in their everyday lives. Regardless of wealth, success or accolades, these people have made happiness their most cherished possession.

These are not your everyday stories… these are the stories and Ignite moments where the smallest thing, and the most profound moment, yield a sense of happiness that is off the charts. Where striving for excitement became loving the feeling of peace. Where wanting it all turned into wanting joy. How the greatest currency in life became the wealth of being happy. These are those stories told in the most heartfelt way.

Share your Ignite Happiness, along with 34 fellow authors and express the true meaning of what love is to you.


The Purpose of Ignite

IGNITE was created to Ignite others and impact humanity. Our mandate is to do more, share more, and spread conscious positive messages to as many people as possible. We believe in human connection. We believe that power comes from being heard, being seen, and belonging to something greater. We invite people to Ignite others. To let their stories be heard, share their experiences, and find their voices. We pride ourselves in bringing people together, offering a solution, giving back, and doing something good for humanity. That is the mission and purpose behind IGNITE. There is power when one person touches the heart of another and sparks something new. Be it inspiration, love, support, encouragement, compassion or belief — each of us deserves to be Ignited and we hope these stories Ignite you.

May you have many Ignite moments that transform you into the amazing person you were meant to be. — JB Owen

Why Compilation Books Make People Happy

We know that many people read compilation books to find lighthearted content that inspires them. They want easy reading and something not ‘too deep’ or challenging. We like to believe that although Ignite books, like Ignite Happiness, can be considered easy reading, we take it to to the next level of storytelling. We curate profoundly inspiring, deeply entertaining, and wildly touching stories that go beyond light reading. These are the true stories of people’s Ignite moments — those moments that have changed them in new ways. Ignite experiences occur when vast learning, inner awakening and true transformation take place. Ignite stories are the authentic realizations that each and every person can relate to because they hold values we all identify with: perseverance, determination, commitment, courage, and strength. These are universal qualities; human qualities. No matter where you live in the world, what age, color or creed you are, you feel these emotions and recognize them in other people the same way you also recognize them in yourself.



We rank #1 in the Charts



#1 in Happiness

#1 in Personal Transformation



1 in Self-Help



# 2 in  Healthy Life

Meet Some of 

Our Authors



Abbey Richter
Albert Urena
Alex Gontkovic
Ana Cukrov
Aurelie Busollo
Beejal Coulson
Claudia Perez
Gaby Trauttmansdorff
Hanna Wickström
Heather Dalton
JANICE Mulligan
Jason Flores
JB Owen
Jeremy Laue
Jorja Giesin
Joye Madden
Karla Weihe
Kristin Kurth
Leslie Lee
Lydia Sacallis
Margie Abernethy
Meghan Huthsteiner
Melody Byrd
Nicole Arnold
Pooja Lankers
Rebecca Blust
Sarah Cross
Shreya Ladva
Simona Sabbatini
Stacey Steller
Sydney Schubbe
Tehniyet Azam
Traci Harrell
Tracy Stone

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