Ignite Your Faith
Inspiring Stories That Will Uplift Your Heart and Enrich Your Soul
Ignite Your Faith is Ignite’s 19th book in our beloved compilation series!
This book is the perfect read for anyone curious about the various ways we define and live our faith. You’ll discover the true, authentic stories of people who decided to dive deep, explore faith and share their discoveries with us all.
Filled with actionable advice and knowledge gained from each author’s powerful lived experience, Ignite Your Faith takes you on a journey exploring advice and insights that will shift your understanding of what faith means to you!

About The Book
In Ignite Your Faith, readers will get the chance to dive into firsthand accounts of people who have had their faith strengthened through challenge, adversity, change, growth, and much more.
Faith is believing in something Higher and trusting in something Greater. Faith is the force that pulls us through the hard times and supports us when we need it the most. Faith guides us on our journey and connects us to something more powerful than just ourselves.
Ignite Your Faith is a collaboration of 28 authors who have shared their personal stories of connection, inner knowing, and blessed grace. Their stories will inspire you to reflect on your own life and how faith is at work every day in so many ways. Each story inspires you to step forward in your own faith with joy and understanding, reminding you to stop and observe the magnitude of Faith and the love it brings to all our lives.
With perspectives and diversity from all religions, ideologies, and concepts of faith, this book is a compelling read that will have you laughing, crying, reflecting, and pondering as you turn each page. Wherever you are in life, let Ignite Your Faith shine a light on the beautiful faith you have and activate an even deeper connection inside of you.
Your purchase of this book supports the Ignite Possibilities School of Hope initiative. Proceeds from the book will support the building of eco-brick schools in Indonesia to provide impoverished students with an education and reduce plastic pollution in local waters.
The Story Within The Story
BY Lady JB Owen
“In faith, we find ourselves.”
It is my intention to share a story of faith embellished with qualities of friendship, love, laughter, and fun, yet, laced with sadness, sorrow, and hurt. I want to share how faith is one thing, but at the same time, so much more. Faith resides so high and yet also can be found so low. Through my journey and the events that unfolded, I was tested and shown that faith is in everything. Faith is the moments that take your breath away and the moments that breathe life back into your spirit. Faith is like a trusted guide, a loving support, a comforting hand. In my story, faith stands as a marker and becomes the beacon that leads the way. Faith is constant. Faith is assuring. Faith brought me closer to myself and allowed me to finally be free.
Few people realize there are many stories within one story. There is the pre-story, back-story, sub-story, post-story, story markers, story points, and the rise and fall of the story. What one story tells, another story withholds. What is important in one story seems lost in another, and if you knew the full story, it would be a different story completely. A story is one point of view, a single look through the viewfinder of the author deciding what to reveal and what to relinquish, and what to expose. Many see the story that they want to see or miss seeing the story that was unfolding all along. The many layers of a story are seldom fully known, and most stories have much more to be revealed. In your hand, you hold the book that holds the story that reflects another story only a few people know. It is the story that was unfolding in the background, the story that shaped the future and impacted many. It is a story that now wishes to be told.
I looked over to see the clock showing 4:03 AM. I had to get up. The excitement was simply too much. I had been sitting on an idea for a few days, and every part of my body was electrified with anticipation of what it might become. I had attended an event a few days prior that sparked an idea that had grown into a flame and bubbled to the surface, ready to Ignite. I slipped quietly out of bed so as not to wake my husband and ambled off to my office to formulate a plan. With inspiration on my side and aspirations swirling in my head, I mapped out, graphed out, drew columns, made lists, and formed ideas of exactly what I knew my business would be. I was on the verge of something amazing and felt a flame surge from within. It wasn’t going to be easy, but I wasn’t worried; I had all the faith I needed, and I knew it was going to be exceptional.
With so much ignited energy, from an ignited Source, via an ignited situation, the listening yet responded unphased and unmoved, proving to me they weren’t. This particular designer seemed interested, intrigued, and excited. She had been listening intently to my ambitious projection to set a record and publish over four hundred people in a single year.
I can’t say for certain what Dania Zafar, born in Pakistan, living in Toronto, passionate about book design, and a wiz at production, thought of my idea at the get-go. But I can say how she made me feel. The questions she asked and the interest she showed kept the conversation going and the ideas flowing, and before I knew it, I felt she was the one. I got off the phone, eager to start working with her, and told my husband we may just have found our magic jewel, our secret weapon. Any publishing house knows that your books are your everything. The way they look, the colors, and the feelings they create—the company just had to be called Ignite™. And the idea was galactic, to Ignite lives, enliven hearts, and impact humanity. With the fury of a dozen rocket engines, I took on the task of making sure I was indeed going to Ignite others. I started with stories: personal, heartfelt stories of perseverance, dedication, and accomplishment. Stories that would heal, inspire, and transform. Stories that needed to be told and stories that would change people’s lives simply by reading them. Such stories, that right out of the gate, hit international best-selling status, in multiple countries, with authors from around the world. I had taken my idea out of my head and proved it was possible; it was time to do even more!

Ash Bhadani

Ava V. Manuel

Becca Rae Eagle, M.S.Ed

Bobbie Kowalski

Candice Cpoeticstew

Caroline Pascual

Cheryl Viczko

Christine Ebeltoft-Bancalari

Dan Gilman

Jacki Semerau Tait

Jameece D. Pinckney JD, M.Ed.

Jammie M. Matheson

Lady JB Owen

Jeanne Bundy

Dr. Jo Dee Baer

Joanne Latimer

Judy ‘J’ Winslow


Karen Rudolph

Kathy Strauss

Lea Barber

Makenzie Elliott

Mimi Safiya

Natasha Rae

Nicole Shantel Freeman

Nolan Pillay

Scan the Goddess

Vanessa Saracino