‘IRL’ In Real Life

‘IRL’ In Real Life

‘IRL’ In Real Life Wisdom from the back of a bike and Journey of a Jubilant Being. I am blessed to have three teenagers in my life and privy to all the slang and lingo that is hip to kids these days. One of their favorite and common terms is ‘IRL’— In Real Life. The...
Week 6 Review from Janine

Week 6 Review from Janine

Week 6 Review from Janine Written by Janine Marek, the Ignite Possibilities Tour Bus Driver We’ve week six in the review now: We left Whitehorse July 31 driving back to the junction of the Alaskan and Cassiar Highway, this to be the starting point of our journey...
WhiteHorse Daily Star Article

WhiteHorse Daily Star Article

WhiteHorse Daily Star Article RIDING IN TANDEM — The cycling duo pose with their tandem road bike near Braeburn last Saturday. A family affair: Couple cycling 6700 kilometres for charity JB Owen, Founder and Publisher of Ignite Publishing, and her husband, Peter...
Week 5 Review from Janine

Week 5 Review from Janine

Week 5 Review from Janine Written by Janine Marek, the Ignite Possibilities Tour Bus Driver Here we are folks. Week five is now in the review: Have you been keeping track of how many times I’ve told that the Alaskan highway is beautiful? I can actually feel the north...
Month 1 Review from Janine

Month 1 Review from Janine

Month 1 Review from Janine Written by Janine Marek, the Ignite Possibilities Tour Bus Driver Coming at you with week four already in the review:Can you believe that? We’ve been doing the get up, pack up and move on dance for a month now. We average 100 ks/day so by...
Momentum creates momentum

Momentum creates momentum

Momentum creates momentum It’s not every day you get to see a herd of bison sitting on the side of the road. We’ve been hearing a lot of stories about the big wood bison herds that are roaming freely in northern British Columbia, and today we got to see them. Signs...