If you love Les Brown, the #1 motivational speaker on the planet, you’ll love this book filled with the outstanding individuals that he has inspired.
Ignite the Hunger in You touches the hearts of readers by motivating and encouraging them during challenging times. It’s a book that awakens greatness, uplifts spirits, and ignites positive change for your future. Now more than ever we need to unite one another and inspire humanity.
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The number one motivational speaker on the planet, Les Brown, and the number one publisher in empowerment publishing, JB Owen, have come together with 35 phenomenal authors to bring you a book filled with inspiration, encouragement, and transformation.
This book compiles the stories of leaders, visionaries, and independent thinkers who share the moments that ignited them and their hunger and how that changed their lives. Each story is a unique way of looking at what it means to ignite your hunger, sparking your drive for something more. Every chapter offers a new perspective, a new lesson, and a new insight. If you’re looking for inspiration, if you’re looking to read amazing stories of people going after what they want and being fulfilled by that drive, this is the book that will kindle a lasting change in your life.

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Igniting your hunger is not just about getting hungry but about staying hungry too.
Do you have a passion burning within to go after your dreams and fulfill your greatest desires?
Are you looking to live with purpose and define what is most important to you?
If you are ready to step into the next chapter of your life with clarity, conviction, and the kind of hunger that will propel you forward, Ignite The Hunger In You is a book created to do just that!
The many amazing stories in this book, showcasing the teaching of Les Brown, will move you from where you are in life to where you want to be. Enjoy the real-life, heartfelt accounts of individuals just like you, igniting a hunger that propelled them forward to discover their true greatness.
Use the tools in this book to Ignite the Hunger in You and become everything you dream of. You have greatness in you and this book will help you to uncover and IGNITE it!
This is a book that helps you reach that goal you’ve always wanted: igniting your greatness and creating your personal masterpiece.
The idea of JB Owen & Les Brown, together, collaborating to bring hope & inspiration to the lost, is a dream come true in itself! Add in the amazing people that have contributed to this great body of work & you’ve got a recipe for creating a lasting legacy! There’s a powerful story for almost every challenge in life you’re going through right now!
I am one of many people who believe Les Brown is the most innately gifted public and motivational speaker of our lifetime. JB Owen has a gift and structure for identifying and pulling together people with stories worth telling. I encourage all entrepreneurs, executives, and people working toward any valuable goal in their lives to take the time to read the stories about possibilities and inner greatness. The contents of this book provide a perspective and context that will enhance your ability to produce results in your own life.
Few books bring together the wisdom of Les Brown and the Spirit of his message like this one does. If you love what Les teaches and know that you have greatness in you, then you will love the personal stories eloquently shared in this book.
The beauty in accepting your greatness
“Live life from the hunger of your heart. When you fill your heart with what you hunger for, your mind will find the way to achieve your desires.”
Since I discovered my purpose in life, my desire has been to leave a legacy of greatness that others may be inspired by. I was fortunate to have positive guides and examples of greatness that led me to uncover different parts of myself at critical times in my life.
My intention is to pay it forward and help other people trust in their abilities in order to achieve a life that reflects their individual goals, dreams, and passions.
Understanding and walking into your own personal power are crucial elements to discovering your personal, emotional, and financial success. I hope that you will allow my story to inspire you to believe that there’s nothing you can’t accomplish once you put your mind, spirit, heart, and HUNGER into it!
If you’ve followed my career or heard me speak, then you know that I believe we are each put on earth on purpose and with a purpose. It’s true, we are all designed to create something great and meaningful in life, and it’s our jobs to fulfill our purpose.
That’s why even if we’ve never met, I can still say without doubt that you have GREATNESS within you.
All of us do.
Unfortunately, the majority of us never discover our greatness. We become trapped inside of faulty thinking and hold on to a smaller vision of who we truly are. As I often say, you can’t see the picture when you’re inside the frame, and you can’t read the label when you’re locked inside the box. You will often need someone else to help you reach your next level because they can see what you’re too close or not properly positioned to see.
I understand all too well what it means to have the cards stacked against you and to have to fight for your dreams. I also understand what it means to live a life where dreaming can feel like an intangible luxury. Even though my adoptive mother filled our lives with love and kindness, I still grew up in a very tense and scary time where just being myself seemed to be a crime.
I was a young Black boy in the South during some of the most tumultuous times in the United States in terms of race relations. I share some of my harrow-ing experiences and encounters with object discrimination in my most recent book, You’ve Got to be Hungry.
I am always shocked at the number of people who still can’t comprehend that such a time existed in what many considered the most progressive and inclusive country in the world.
I truly believe that in life there will be events and situations that happen in your life either for you, to you, or through you.
Growing through those experiences was essential and it happened for me. As I look back, I see that in some respects, I couldn’t afford to live a sheltered life of innocence because I needed to be able to learn how to handle difficult circumstances.
Allow this book to inspire, motivate and touch the hearts of your readers. Now more than ever books need to bring people together and uplift humanity. This book does exacpty that.
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Ignite the Hunger in You is lead by two powerhouse inspirational leaders in their industry.

Les Brown
World’s Leading Motivational Speaker
As one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers, Les Brown is a dynamic personality and highly-sought-after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, non-profit and community leaders from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity. For three decades he has not only studied the science of achievement, he’s mastered it by interviewing hundreds of successful business leaders and collaborating with them in the boardroom translating theory into bottom-line results for his clients.
As a premier Keynote Speaker and leading authority on achievement for audiences as large as 80,000—Les Brown energizes people to meet the challenges of the world around them. He skillfully weaves his compelling life story into the fabric of our daily lives. The thread is forever strengthened, touting why you can’t afford to be complacent and to aim high, achieve and actively make an impact on the world.
JB Owen
JB Owen is a fearless female leader and highly successful entrepreneur. Having built businesses that span the globe, JB’s true focus is on helping others. She is driven to empower individuals in their own personal journeys to success. She is a world-class speaker, international best-selling author, and powerful business owner.
Her no-nonsense style has catapulted her in the areas of building worldwide brands, manufacturing award-winning products, publishing international best sellers, and creating multiple platforms in the areas of health, wellness, personal growth, and eco-conscious improvements.
JB constantly pushes the boundaries of what is possible and has an unwavering passion to challenge others to do the same. She loves helping others break through their limiting beliefs so they can grow their own business prowess and experience personal triumphs. She coaches individuals and speaks publicly about transforming your life by living your optimum health, happiness, and success in your own unique way.

Our authors are leaders in their industries.

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Ignite's Success