1 Day Virtual Event on the 5 Rules on how to Ignite your Speech!
Coming September 19, 2021!
10 AM – 4 PM GMT
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Join JB Owen as she shares everything you need
to know how to write your Ignite speech.
What will you learn?
Have you every wanted to give powerful trainings and workshops to your networks and clients but always fell short on crafting your perfect speech? In this 1 day exclusive workshop you will learn everything you need to create a transformational and compelling speach that everyone will want to listen to!
- Everything you need to know how to write your ignite speech
- How to transform your 15 minute speech into a 5 hour workshop.
- How to modify your ignite story into and turn it into a winning training.
- How to captivate your audience through sparking their imagination
- Giving them the ignite feel and rocket it into their future.